Monthly Turnover Report:Year 2022 OCTOBER

  2022 OCTOBER Unit: NTD 1000
  Items Consolidated Net Operating Revenue
  NTD Functional Currency (RMB)
Current Month 281,467 63,383.00
Same Period Last Year 332,135 76,337.00
Change in Amount -50,668 -12,954.00
Change in Percentage -15.26 -16.97
Current Year Cumulative 1,997,270 450,922.00
Last Year Cumulative 2,296,588 529,070.00
Change in Amount -299,318 -78,148.00
Change in Percentage -13.03 -14.77
Exchange Rate for This Month 4.4408
This year’s Cumulative Conversion Rate 4.4293

Note 1: Net Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the month = Net Functional Currency Revenue for the month × Exchange Rate for the month

Note 2: Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the year = Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of Functional Currency for the year × This year’s cumulative conversion of foreign exchange