2022 FEBRUARY | Unit: NTD 1000 | |
Items | Consolidated Net Operating Revenue | |
NTD | Functional Currency (RMB) | |
Current Month | 118,926 | 27,064.00 |
Same Period Last Year | 202,911 | 46,286.00 |
Change in Amount | -83,985 | -19,222.00 |
Change in Percentage | -41.39 | -41.53 |
Current Year Cumulative | 323,111 | 73,901.00 |
Last Year Cumulative | 424,623 | 96,787.00 |
Change in Amount | -101,512 | -22,886.00 |
Change in Percentage | -23.91 | -23.65 |
Exchange Rate for This Month | ─ | 4.3942 |
This year’s Cumulative Conversion Rate | ─ | 4.3722 |
Remark |
Note 1: Net Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the month = Net Functional Currency Revenue for the month × Exchange Rate for the month
Note 2: Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the year = Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of Functional Currency for the year × This year’s cumulative conversion of foreign exchange