Monthly Turnover Report:Year 2022 JANUARY

2022 JANUARY Unit: NTD 1000
Items Consolidated Net Operating Revenue
NTD Functional Currency (RMB)
Current Month 203,749 46,837.00
Same Period Last Year 221,731 50,500.00
Change in Amount -17,982 -3,663.00
Change in Percentage -8.11 -7.25
Current Year Cumulative 203,749 46,837.00
Last Year Cumulative 221,731 50,500.00
Change in Amount -17,982 -3,663.00
Change in Percentage -8.11 -7.25
Exchange Rate for This Month 4.3502
This year’s Cumulative Conversion Rate 4.3502

Note 1: Net Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the month = Net Functional Currency Revenue for the month × Exchange Rate for the month

Note 2: Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the year = Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of Functional Currency for the year × This year’s cumulative conversion of foreign exchange