2021 NOVEMBER | Unit: NTD 1000 | |
Items | Consolidated Net Operating Revenue | |
NTD | Functional Currency (RMB) | |
Current Month | 340,415 | 78,220.00 |
Same Period Last Year | 334,979 | 76,726.00 |
Change in Amount | 5,436 | 1,494.00 |
Change in Percentage | 1.62 | 1.95 |
Current Year Cumulative | 2,636,795 | 607,291.00 |
Last Year Cumulative | 2,480,944 | 580,514.00 |
Change in Amount | 155,851 | 26,777.00 |
Change in Percentage | 6.28 | 4.61 |
Exchange Rate for This Month | ─ | 4.3520 |
This year’s Cumulative Conversion Rate | ─ | 4.3419 |
Remark |
Note 1: Net Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the month = Net Functional Currency Revenue for the month × Exchange Rate for the month
Note 2: Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of New Taiwan Dollar for the year = Net Accumulated Operating Revenue of Functional Currency for the year × This year’s cumulative conversion of foreign exchange